Spring 2019 • Vol. 35
Page 2 - 3 Energy
Page 4 - 5 Agronomy
Page 6 - Auto, Truck, & Tire
Staying a step ahead!
I spent two weeks at home recently, not
totally by choice, it was time to fi nally get
my shoulder repaired. Some may think that
it was perfect timing to be in the house
during the long cold snap and not have to
go outside. But I will be the fi rst to tell you
that recovery and working from home is
Bill Reimers
not what it is cracked up to be. When my
General Manager
siblings would call to check on me, I would
(952) 466-3721
them a brief update on my condition,
[email protected]
but I then described in detail what it was
like to be stuck in my house, watching others move my snow
among other outdoor tasks. I likened it to that little dog looking
out the window barking at the mail man. After two weeks – it was
good to go back to work and be interacting with others!
Thank you to those who made our annual meeting in
December a record turnout. As we stated in our last newsletter,
and at the annual meeting, I am sure you are pleased with the
fi nancial performance of your coop.
Inside this newsletter, you will fi nd an article on what we
learned about fuels blending during this past winter when the
temperatures dipped below average levels. With continuous
changes in the fuels we purchase (sulfur, bio, etc.), we always
have to be a step ahead to make sure our customers are always
protected from as many variables as possible. Most of the fuels
and gasolines in this part of the state come from two places -
the St. Paul Park Refi nery, and Flint Hills Refi nery at Pine Bend.
Some products are pipelined in, but a majority is refi ned close
to home. What makes the diff erence, especially in winter fuels,
is the additives and blending procedures used. We make sure
we use only the fi nest additives, and lean on all of the years of
experience and knowledge of our staff , to make sure you receive
only the best. See page two for some tips on winter fuels and cold
Our Auto, Truck & Tire Shop continues to grow at a rapid rate.
We actually have more capacity to grow, and wish to do so. We
are taking applications to add more auto technicians in the near
future. If you are aware of someone looking to work in a rural area,
and still be close to the metro, please send them our way.
One area we have been fortunate with staffi ng is our agronomy
division. By hiring two additional applicators this past fall, this has
allowed us to have more hands on deck to prepare the equipment
and facilities for spring.
We fi nished the Cologne store gas island upgrade just in time
for winter. These changes drastically improve customer access
to more pumps, and an improved entry into the store. As the
business has grown, we were noticing more customers waiting to
get gas, prompting an upgrade. Also, with the addition of more
“Flex Fuels,” such as E15, E30, and E85, we can closer match the
needs of today’s modern vehicle. We thank you for your patience
through the construction that started in early October, and ended
Our recently acquired Waverly store is slated for an addition
and remodel this spring and summer. We had hoped to have
the project completed before winter, but with the construction
industry busier than ever, we decided to wait until this spring for
the project. This will ensure we have plenty of bidders, and not
have to rush the project, compared to this past fall, trying to get
done before winter freeze up.
As always I appreciate your comments and suggestions to
make your coop better!
Mid-County Coop’s board of
Back row pictured from left to right, Brian Krause, President,
Jim Dieball, Director, Jon Henschen, Director, Shawn Eastman,
Secretary/Treasurer. Front row pictured from left to right,
Leonard Hoen, Jr., Vice President, David Williams, Director.