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Steve Solmonson has rhythm and drive
Some may know Steve Solmonson as a Mid-County Coop fuel delivery driver , but music is his major claim to fame .
“ I ’ ve been in a lot of bands ,” Solmonson said .
The group from his
Steve Solmonson Fuel Delivery Driver
college days , The Young Raiders , was recently inducted into the Kansas Music Hall of Fame .
Solmonson is also well known as a member of The Daisy Dillman Band , which is still together after more than 30 years .
“ We used to tour the whole country , but now , we just play part time for fun ,” Solmonson said .
In the early 1970s , Solmonson had been part of Blackwood , a precursor to The Daisy Dillman Band . After a few years , some of the members got together to start a new group .
When deciding what to name the band , one of the members reached for a book written by Daisy Dillman , a relative of bass player Steve Seamans .
“ Someone said , how about The Daisy Dillman band ? And everybody said , ‘ no , no , that stinks ’,” Solmonson recalled . “ But , a few days later , it wound its way into our heads .” Fame and travel They started off playing at local clubs , but soon attracted national attention .
In 1978 , the talented group scored Minnesota Music Awards for best band , best vocal group , and best violinist . They also released an album with United Artists Records .
“ We played with a lot of big names ,” Solmonson said . The band has appeared with Brooks and Dunn , Clint Black , Diamond Rio , Alabama , Chuck Berry , and many other famous artists .
“ One of the coolest memories was
when we were touring , and Charlie Daniels stopped by to visit ,” Solmonson said . “ He sat down in our tour bus and just talked . It was like he was your grandpa .”
In 1981 , The Daisy Dillman Band released its second national album with RCA Records , and also cracked the top 50 on Billboard ’ s “ Hot 100 .”
In 2006 , the band was inducted into the Minnesota Rock and Country Hall of Fame .
The group is widely admired for its unique blend of country and rock and roll , with a thunderous rhythm section and sweet vocals .
Each member has an instrumental specialty , but many also act as lead singers .
Anyone who ’ d like to hear Solmonson ’ s music can listen to a sampling on his website , www . daisydillman . com . This summer , he ’ ll also be performing in a few shows .
“ We do mostly original songs ,” Solmonson said .
Songwriting inspiration can strike at any moment , but some times are more convenient than others .
“ One time , I had an idea for a song while I was in a deer stand ,” Solmonson laughed . “ It was literally 18 degrees below zero , and the deer weren ’ t coming out . They were smarter than I was .”
Since he didn ’ t have a pen or paper along , Solmonson had to memorize the song . Later , when he got back to his truck , he wrote it down right away so he wouldn ’ t forget .
Mid-County Coop fuel delivery driver Steve Solmonson does vocals and guitar for the Daisy Dillman Band . Shown here performing on the Winstock stage in 2006 .
“ The song is called ‘ Radio ,’ and it ’ s about living on the road ,” Solmonson said , adding that it will be featured on his website soon . On the road Solmonson knows a lot about being on the road , not only from his band travels , but also from his fuel delivery experience .
He started driving for Mayer Distributing in Long Lake more than a decade ago . In 2008 , when Mid County Coop became the owner of the fuel portion , Solmonson expanded his territory .
“ I start in Cologne , and I ’ d say that the seven-county metro area is my stomping ground ,” he said .
Many of his stops are for longtime clients .
“ My customers know me , and I know them ,” Solmonson said . He especially enjoys serving the elderly people , who look forward to his visit .
“ It ’ s a good job , and the people I work with are great ,” he said . “ What else could I wish for ?”