Spring 2011 • Vol. 19
A ‘team approach’ to success at
“We serve our customers by work-
ing to improve their operation –
not just by selling them products,”
said Bill Reimers, Mid-County
Coop’s general manager.
Throughout Mid-County’s 75
years in business, the company has
always focused on building posi-
tive relationships with the people
it serves.
“Our staff has quite a bit of ex-
perience,” Reimers said. “Our key
people have been around a long
time, and they know our custom-
In the past fi ve years, Mid-Coun-
ty has developed an even greater
focus on providing information
and education.
“We’ve intensifi ed our semi-
nars,” Reimers said. “Recently, we
Staff members Julie Clemensen and Angela
Jacques welcomed and assisted patrons at
the January annual meeting.
took a large group of
customers to a train-
ing session about
crop production.”
M i d - C o u n t y ’s
seminars are offered
on an “as-needed”
basis. The messages
are targeted to spe-
cifi c groups of cus-
tomers, so that they
can be as relevant as
Mid-County’s goal General Manager Bill Reimers and board members Brian Kraus
is to help businesses and Paul Stuewe work together preparing for the Mid-County
succeed, and provid- Annual meeting held in January.
ing useful seminars is
one way to do that.
“It’s win-win on both sides,” Continued Financial Strength
Reimers said. “We rely on having
Due to our continued fi nancial health
75 years, Mid-County patrons will
partnerships; we work together to
their dividend checks in May for
benefi t each other.”
through last fi scal year.
Agronomists, sales representa-
tives, and other Mid-County em-
Also, after completing the fi rst
ployees strive to maintain a close 6 months of our new year, we are several
relationship with their clients.
hundred thousand dollars ahead of last
year, and our bottom line
Reimers said people often com-
continues to grow.
ment on the dedication and helpful-
ness of employees at Mid-County.
Because of your support we will
“We have a team approach to
continue to strengthen and grow
things,” Reimers said.
your cooperative.
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