Mid-County Messenger
Mid-County Coop Contact
Vol. 15
Growing – Expanding – Improving
General Manager
Bill Reimers
(952) 466-3721
[email protected]
Agronomy Manager
Dave Eckhoff
(952) 466-3730
[email protected]
Bill Reimers
General Manager
(952) 466-3721
Joe Forner
(952) 466-3730
[email protected][email protected]
Agronomy Production Specialist
Doug Kraska
(952) 466-3730
[email protected]
Certified Energy Specialist
Rafael Lozada
(952) 466-3725
[email protected]
Service Manager
John Winter
(952) 466-3710
[email protected]
Petroleum Operations
Quay Zander
(952) 466-3727
[email protected]
Cenex Convenience Store
Cologne Manager
Del Gallup
(952) 466-5657
[email protected]
Dick Pauly
On December 15th we
purchased the bulk fuel
portion of Mayer Distribut-
ing in Long Lake. Along
with buying the route, we
also purchased the stor-
age facility in Long Lake.
Steve who was the driver
for Mayer Distributing, is
now part of the Mid-Coun-
ty team and continues to
deliver in that trade area.
This new route has very
little agricultural fuels,
which allows us to diver-
sify and balance out our
routing. Agricultural fuels
are naturally busiest in
spring and fall, and this
route adds gallons to deliv-
er at a time when ag fuels
are slower.
(952) 466-3701
[email protected]
700 W. Lake St.
PO Box 177
Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3700 Office
(952) 466-3715 Fax
Spring 2009
We are allways work-
ing hard in our Agronomy
division to improve cus-
tomer service in the areas
of billing, accounting, and
a quicker response time
when you call in.
As we continue to strive
to be a technology leader,
we sponsored an agrono-
my event this March 31 at
Dahlgreen Golf Course and
an energy event in Feb.
of interest, then will buy a
contract and when it is sold
we will buy another.
Mid-County Cologne
Convenience Store
We are in the
planning phase of Circle of Pride
our remodel proj- Winner
ect at the Cologne
Convenience Store. The
store was built new in
1995, and after 14 years it
It is pretty hard to have a is starting to show its age.
solid opinion on the energy The project should include
markets these days. Some- new fascia on the building
times a person can buy at and gas island canopy, and
the absolute bottom, but it a complete face lift for the
is nothing short of impos- interior of the store.
sible, not to mention frus-
trating. What we try to do
is find a comfortable value.
If the price range of diesel
fuel in the last 3 years is a
Our Auto, Truck and
low of $1.50 and a high of Tire division has improved
$4.50 and you can buy at dramatically for the 1st
$1.75, you are doing pret- six months of our fiscal
ty well. So your downside year. John and his team
is probably $.25, but your have been very diligent in
upside could be as much improving our customer
as $2.75.
communication and striv-
As a supplier and a ing to be more efficient
holder of a large amount in order to service your
of inventory, we avoid the vehicles on a more timely
speculation game, and try- basis.
ing to buy a lot of gallons
As always I appreciate
at one time. When we con- your comments and sug-
tract fuels, we first make gestions to make your coop
sure we have a good level better.
(952) 466-3700 • 888-466-3700 • 700 West Lake Street, P.O. Box 177, Cologne