What Fuels Are Made From Crude Oil ?
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Quay Zander Petroleum Operations ( 952 ) 466-3727
quayz @ midcountycoop . com
Scheduled delivery on home
Want one less thing to worry about this winter ? Try our “ Scheduled Delivery Program ” for propane or fuel oil . You may have
heard different names like “ Keep Fill ” or “ Stay Full ” used for heating programs . We call ours “ Scheduled ” because that is what we do – we schedule the proper time to come and fill your tanks to keep your tank from running out .
We have a computerized system that automatically calculates your usage based on heating degree days as published by the National Weather Service , plus your past consumption history . When your propane tank gauge shows 20 %, we will stop by and fill it to 80 %. We only fill to 80 % to leave room for expansion in the tank , as propane can expand when it warms up . If you have fuel oil , we like to come and fill your tank at the 1 ⁄ 4 full , or 25 % level . Once your tank is full , our computer system resets .
We offer Scheduled Delivery to anyone who uses propane or fuel oil as their only heating source . If you have other
Lubricants : heat sources such as wood or electricity , our computer system is unable to factor in when the alternative sources are in use .
While we cannot guarantee that your tank will never run out , we have years of experience with our current system , and if there are no changes to your heating system , the program is very reliable . There may also be times that your heating system may use more gallons than usual , it could be from a construction project , or you may have a need to keep your home warmer for health reasons ,. These are examples of factors that can increase consumption . If there is a case where you feel you may be using more gallons , just call us and we can work together to make sure you stay warm .
We encourage all of our customers to occasionally check their gauges . See the accompanying photo that shows how to read your propane tank gauge .
A shoveled path to the tank or the fill pipes in the winter is always appreciated . It saves time and is much safer for the driver .
To sign up for Scheduled Delivery , give us a call today at ( 952 ) 466-3720 .
Mid-County Energy has you covered when it comes to your lubricant needs . We deliver produts in prepackaged containers , or in bulk quantities .
Our brands available include :
We have grease for : Auto • Truck • Farm Equipment • Construction Equipment
Our Anti Freezes include : Standard Green • All Makes & Models • Extended Life for diesel engines
www . midcountycoop . com
What is propane ?
Propane is produced as a by-prod- uct of two processes , natural gas processing and petroleum refining . The processing of natural gas involves removal of butane , propane , and large amounts of ethane from the raw gas that comes out of the ground . A majority of the gas that comes out of the ground is Methane ( natural gas ), the rest is Propane ( 5 %), along with the other gases previously mentioned . The other source of propane is from petroleum refining . See the picture below of what is derived from a barrel of Crude Oil .
What Fuels Are Made From Crude Oil ?
Products Made from a Barrel of Crude Oil ( Gallons )
After crude oil is removed from the ground , it is sent to a refinery by pipeline , ship or barge . At a refinery , different parts of the crude oil are separated into useable petroleum products . Crude oil is measured in barrels ( abbreviated “ bbls ”). A 42-U . S . gallon barrel of crude oil provides slightly more than 44 gallons of petroleum products . This gain from processing the crude oil is similar to what happens to popcorn , it gets bigger after it is popped .