Mid-County Messenger Page 2
Mid-County Agronomy
www . midcountycoop . com
Liming , Lime Materials , and Handling
Joe Forner Agronomist ( 952 ) 466-3730 joef @ midcountycoop . com
There are 216 different materials registered with the state of Minnesota as liming materials . Within that list , there are a wide variety of sources ranging from industrial and municipal by-products to quarry lime . Each product can vary greatly in quality of neutralizing capability . In Minnesota , the quality of the liming material is termed as Effective Neutralizing Power ( ENP ). ENP is factored from a combination of the chemical purity and the fineness of product . Unlike fertilizer , where we have an analysis that stays the same from supplier to supplier and year to year , Ag
Doug Kraska Ag Production Specialist ( 952 ) 466-3730 dougk @ midcountycoop . com
Lime changes greatly from one source to the next and even year to year . The most potent lime available in Minnesota is about 150 % higher in neutralizing capacity than an average quarry lime . The least potent lime has about 7 % of the neutralizing capacity of an average quarry lime and only 3 % of the neutralizing capacity of the most potent lime . It takes 33 tons of the lowest ENP lime to equal 1 ton of the highest ENP lime . Spread-ability is an important criterion for choosing a lime source . Lime sources with a high ENP , may not always be the most functional lime to spread if it has a tendency to bridge or is so fine that it won ’ t spread uniformly . Consistency of product is also of importance . For instance a recommendation may apply to a source with 5 % moisture and then it could change to 35 % moisture , which will change the underlying ENP and can change the spread pattern , making for an inconsistent application . Stockpiling lime at the field for an extended period of time can also adversely affect the uniform application of lime , especially in times of heavy precipitation and late in the season if the lime starts to freeze . Other issues with stockpiling are finding a suitable area that isn ’ t in crop . Dumping lime onto an existing crop , corn in particular , can create problems with uniform flow . The best is to wait until after the crop is off of the field , find a dry and level area on the field , scrape any stalks away from the dump site , dump the lime , and spread it within 24 hours for optimal performance . If you think that you may need lime or if you have a conventional soil test that indicates low pH , this would be a good time to grid sample the field . A lime application may cost $ 50 to $ 100 per acre . By grid sampling we can target the areas of the field that need the lime and not apply it to the high pH areas that do not need lime . Next to tiling and drainage , having the correct pH is the most important long-term management practice that you do on your farm .
Maximize profit with the best seed hybrids
The seed world is getting more complicated . Last year we had quad stacked , triple stacked , double stacked and now Smartstax corns . With Smartstax corn we can reduce our refuge acres to 5 %. Dekalb , Producers , Croplan , and Stine will have Smartstax corn available in their elite varieties . Also available this year will be Roundup Ready II soybeans , which will have a yield advantage . As we near harvest season , now is the time to evaluate your corn varieties that were planted . Some of the things to look for are : how well did the varieties pollinate , are there any leaf diseases or nutrient deficiencies , is there any root rot starting ? Look at the root development : is there root worm feeding , is the corn standing , and when will harvest begin with normal temps ? All seed companies have some great hybrids and some average hybrids . Diversifying your hybrid selection from different seed companies and picking only the great hybrids can increase your profit per acre . Receiving an extra 5 % discount or free seed when buying all your seed from one company won ’ t pay for the extra yield advantage on $ 3 corn you could get by choosing only the great varieties . At Mid-County we offer you the best opportunity for a profit per acre with the least amount of risk with the seed companies we represent : DEKALB , NK , PRODUCERS , CROPLAN , and STINE .
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