Mid-County Messenger Page 2 www . midcountycoop . com Fall 2008 Mid-County Agronomy
All About
Doug Kraska Agronomy Production Specialist ( 952 ) 466-3730 dougk @ midcountycoop . com
Prescription Seed Placement is the hot phrase in the seed industry today .
What does this mean ? Placing a seed genetics on a field to maximize yield for the intended use whether it is for silage , high moisture , or grain .
How do we accomplish this ? By working with a seed dealer that has an understanding of the soil composition on your farm and the knowledge of which seed genetic is going to maximize the yield for the intended use .
Today seed varieties are being bred for more specific field conditions , like high or low populations , heavy soils , light soils , corn on corn , or corn following beans . Mid- County will again be carrying Dekalb along with NK , Producers , Croplan , and Stine . Within these 5 seed companies we have the soybean or corn variety to fit all agronomic field conditions to help make our customers maximize their yields .
Mid-County Agronomy : Plot Data Corn on Corn The following are the production results from Mid-County Agronomy ’ s 2008 seed plot .
Entry Brand Hybrid Seed Treatment # Rows Row Len ( ft )
( lbs ) Yield WetLen ( ft )
1 Producers Hybrids 6464 VT3 Poncho 250 4 281 860 30.1 54.0 195.8 1 2 NK Brand 48 G Cruiser 4 311 730 28.0 51.0 154.7 17
3 Producers Hybrids 6377 YPPLS Poncho 250 4 311 940 29.4 55.0 195.3 2 4 Croplan 491 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 940 29.4 55.0 195.3 2 5 Producers Hybrids 6114 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 920 30.2 52.5 189.0 6 6 Croplan 388 VT3 Cruiser 4 311 840 29.0 53.0 175.5 13
7 Producers Hybrids 6054VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 860 28.2 54.5 181.7 10 8 NK Brand N40T Cruiser 4 311 895 29.9 53.0 184.6 9 9 Stine 9418 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 850 28.8 54.0 178.1 12
10 Croplan 3824 VT3 Cruiser 4 311 920 28.5 54.0 193.6 4 11 Stine 9417 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 860 26.7 52.0 185.5 7
12 Producers Hybrids 5734 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 860 24.1 53.0 192.1 5 13 Croplan 364 VT3 Cruiser 4 311 840 25.2 53.0 184.9 8 14 NK Brand N34-L9 Cruiser 4 311 510 19.6 53.5 120.7 18 15 Producers Hybrids 5684 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 730 24.2 53.0 162.8 15 16 Croplan 3724 VT3 Cruiser 4 311 850 27.5 53.0 181.3 11 17 Producers Hybrids 5624 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 690 23.0 54.0 156.3 16 18 Stine 9204 VT3 Poncho 250 4 311 740 21.7 54.0 170.5 14
% Moist
Test Wt . lb / bu
Yield @ 15 %