Mid-County Newsletter MCnewsletter-fall07 | Page 4

Mid-County Messenger Page 4 www . midcountycoop . com Fall 2007

Mid-County Fuels & Energy Delivery The answer to filter plugging : Biocide

We have been fielding a lot of questions lately about filter plugging in diesel fuel which is common this time of year . The article below is a reprint from Hoon Ge who is a fuel consultant at MEG Corporation , and he does an excellent job of explaining biocide usage . Biocide Hoon Ge , Fuel Consultant , MEG Corp .
Over the past several months of this year , many people nationwide have complained about filter plugging problems due to microbial ( which can be either bacteria or fungus ) growth in their ultra-low sulfur diesel ( ULSD ) and biodiesel blend systems . This is not an issue of the fuels themselves , but an issue of proper housekeeping to remove the water . Microbes grow in the water fuel interface within a storage tank down to an individual vehicle fuel tank .
This microbial growth sometimes appeared with black , brown and red coloration and other times as a clear slimy substance . In the worst cases , this microbial growth can clog the system and render it inoperable . It is imperative to the diesel and biodiesel blend user to know how to deal with a microbial contamination in a timely and effective manner .
To help combat microbial contamination in ULSD and biodiesel blends , biocide products are available . There are , however , many myths surrounding these products . As the winter months approach , it becomes necessary for the correct information on these products to be understood now . By following the suggestions outlined in this article , users should not have any trouble dealing with any biocide
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problem that they may encounter .
The main myth surrounding biocide is that one , microbes don ’ t grow in the wintertime and two , biocides are ineffective during the cold weather of the winter months . Both of these myths are absolutely false . It has been well documented that microbial growth can occur at temperatures way below zero , and as long as the biocide has been mixed properly with the fuel , it will work just as effectively as it does during the summer months . Biocide should be applied whenever you have a microbial problem , regardless of what time of year it is .
When applying biocide to your tank , it is important to follow these steps :
• Use a universally soluble biocide ( i . e ., one that is soluble in both water and in the fuel ).
• When preparing a storage system / fuel tank to be treated with biocide , any water at the bottom of the tank should be drained if possible . Removing water should be done routinely anyway to help reduce the chances of microbial contamination .
• The tank should be as empty as possible and no more then 50 percent full , when the biocide products is added .
• Add twice the amount of biocide recommended by the manufacturer .
• Fill the tank up to maximum capacity with the fuel . This will promote mixing and help kill any microbial growth on the walls of the entire tank .
• For vehicle fuel tanks , all filters in the system , including pre-filters and fuel filters , need to be replaced after the biocide has been added .
As a preventive measure , it is important to keep tanks as full of fuel as possible , and to keep the amount of air in the tank minimal . Also , biocide product containers should be kept closed at all times and should not be exposed to water at any time . Water contamination will lessen the effectiveness of these products .
By following these guidelines , you should be able to handle and prevent microbial growth from getting out of hand . Remember that the best way to prevent microbial growth is routine maintenance upkeep ; make sure to check your fuel for microbial growth a couple of times a year . Be proactive with your fuel and it will save you money in the long run .
We stock biocides and filters ready to help you in time of need . If you have any issues with your diesel engines , call me at ( 952 ) 466-3727 or Raf at ( 952 ) 466- 3725 .