Mid-County Newsletter MCnewsletter-fall07 | Page 2

It ’ s quick , simple and relatively painless
Mid-County Messenger Page 2 www . midcountycoop . com Fall 2007
At Mid-County , we have been grid soil sampling , spreading dry fertilizer , and spreading lime using Variable Rate Technology ( VRT ) since 1999 . Over the years we integrated VRT anhydrous ammonia and VRT herbicide application capabilities into our agronomy program to meet our customers ’ needs .
Corn , soybeans , and fertilizer prices were about half of what they are today , but the increased revenues from higher yields or savings from using less fertilizer paid for the grid sampling and additional cost of equipment to apply the fertilizer correctly .
With today ’ s high prices for corn , soybeans , and high input cost , grid sampling is even a better deal today since the cost of sampling has remained relatively the same .
To do a 2.5 grid for P , K , pH , and organic matter it cost roughly $ 8 / acre for the sampling . An additional $ 3 / acre charge for the two VRT spreader applications along with the sampling gives the total cost of $ 11 / acre of

Mid-County Agronomy Grid Sampling

Joe Forner Agronomist ( 952 ) 466-3730
joef @ midcountycoop . com
additional cost over a conventional fertility plan . Samples are normally used for four years , so the $ 11 spread out over that time is only $ 2.75 / year . That is less than a bushel of corn and less than a third of a bushel of soybeans at today ’ s prices .
The best fields to be grid sampled are the poorest producers or newly rented ground . There is a tendency for producers to grid sample the “ Home ” field or their most productive ground . These productive fields usually have high levels of fertility to start with , so any
money saved is from reduced fertilizer usage and not increased yields . Poor producing fields will have a tendency to show inadequate fertility in large areas and a composite sample will simply blend in with the rest of field .
Another example where grid sampling really pays back well is for spreading lime . If a composite sample shows a pH of 6.5 or less , there is high probability that part of that field may have pH below 6.0 and may require lime in order to attain top yields . If you are planning on applying a flat rate of lime , grid sampling will pinpoint exactly where it is needed .
Soil sampling is an integral part of a total farm management system . Grid sampling may have a fit on your farm , and with today ’ s high prices it becomes a comparative bargain . At Mid-County we have the experience in precision farming and a long track record with VRT fertilizer spreading to get the job done right .

Agronomy Production Financing

It ’ s quick , simple and relatively painless
Partners in Production offers Seasonal Financing for farmers to cover expenses related to crop production .
The rates are mucth better than the 18 percent charged by the coop . Plus , having the line of credit in place assures that you will be able to take advantage of any discounts available . For more information call or stop in and talk with Dick Pauly , ( 952 ) 466-3701
Dick Pauly Controller ( 952 ) 466-3701
dickp @ midcountycoop . com