Mid County Premium Diesel: Warm Weather Use
Our Mid-County Premium Fuel additives for warm weather use are specifically formulated
for use in all types of diesel fuel including heating oil, biodiesel blends and especially Ultra
Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD). This diesel fuel additive complies with the federal low sulfur content requirements for use in die-
sel motor vehicles and non-road engines.
Algae Control
• Biocide to eliminate microbial growth in your fuel tanks
• Contains the detergency needed to achieve a “Clean Up” rating in the DW10 Standard Injector
Coking Test
• Keeps injectors clean and maintains proper fuel spray pattern to avoid incomplete combustion
• Prevents formation of sticky deposits
• Prevents power loss caused by plugged injectors
• Reduces or delays thermal oxidation, the leading cause of black fi lters which can lead to fi lter plugging
• Improves storage life by 2-3 times as long without additives by preventing the formation of gums
Corrosion/Rust Inhibition
• Prevents corrosion of fuel storage tanks and vehicle tanks
• Protects injectors and fuel systems from corrosion and rust formation
• Prolongs fuel equipment life
Water Tolerance
• Promotes rapid separation of water when there is a major
problem with free water
• Rapid separation allows you to pump out the water and get
back into business ASAP
The Mid-County Energy Team
Serving you, our customer with:
• Exceeds lubricity standard in ASTM D975 and EMA premium
• Bulk Commercial and
• Propane
diesel requirement
Agricultural Fuels
• Home Heat
• Construction Fuels
• Lubricants & Oils
• Reduces friction in engine parts
• Provides protection against accelerated wear
• Prolongs fuel system equipment life
Bio Diesel Mandate:
The minimum biodiesel content in diesel fuels required by Minnesota statute has changed to 20%. The Weights and
Measures Division of the Minnesota Department of Commerce wants to help you understand and be ready for that
• April 1 to September 30 all #2 diesel sold for use in combustion engines must contain 20% biodiesel by volume.
• October – March, #2 diesel must contain at least 5% biodiesel.
• #1 diesel is exempt from the biodiesel requirement year round.
• The amount of biodiesel required in a #1/#2 blend will depend upon the blend ratio of the two products and the required
bio content of the #2 diesel during that time of the year.
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