Sergio Guzmán, Xavier Martín
-When was created this Company?
This company was created 5 or 6 years ago.
-What do you think about Roca Security?
It is a big Company. It gives a lot of opportunities to the students to develop and learn a lot. It is what the students want it to be.
- What is the main objective of Roca Security?
Make the students aware of the responsibilities that they have.
-What are the responsibilities of being the Director?
Take control of the company, make everything possible, contribute to make Roca Security a dynamic company adapt to new times.
-What do you try to teach to your students?
I try to open up a list of their skills, competences and above all, that they realize their potential.
-What does the students learnt from the exhibition did last year?
It brought enthusiasm, knowledge, new experiences, discover things about themselves that they didn't know, be creative, solve problems, etc...
-How do you think Roca Security will progress in a near future?
The objective is not to make a big company. The students develop their capacities. The company has evolved so much in all this time.
-How does this Company been created?
The company has been created through a Project, in which we were involved Mónica Querol, Fernando Alonso and I.
-Could you tell us positive factors?
All the learning that the students can get and the fresh air that it has given to the teachers, we have more new ideas, methodologies and the most important of all, is that we work with a platform that simulates with accuracy all the environment of a real company: Bank, Social Security, Tax office, etc…
-And, negative?
It has been very complicated because it has been complex. But we are doing quiet good.
-Who has named this company?
The decision about the name of the company was accorded in a teacher meeting.