Mi primera revista COLEGIO SEMINARIO | Page 2

In school have a strange idea of formation and direction like a prison, and it is that formation that the school put cameras to see all the students and is manipulated by a system alarm to form them to be always perfect to transform like a robot and not like a good student and always need to complete rules, have a structure like a prison. The school in sit-in contexts works at an institution inside another one and supposes bringing together practices and normative frames between the penitentiary system and the educational system with different functioning logics: in the first one that of the punishment and discipline, melt you of the criminal law and the prisons; and in the second one the logic of the integral development of the subjects, melt you of the education. (Blazich) That was an article speaking about the same thing about the different problems that have the school and particular things that have similarity than a prison so… Are the students imprisoned? A prisoner always needs to stay in the jail, but in a specific time he needs to go out and complete a rule, and the students do the same thing so the prison and the school with other problems that make the boys look like a prisoner.