Mi primera revista catalogo_turistico_mvd_rural_2da_version-web | Page 19
determine the interaction of freshwater and brackish from the Santa Lucia River
Basin and the Rio de la Plata, respectively. This is one of the most extensive
brackish wetlands in the country, although its salinity apparently not sufficient
to consider a marsh as other saline wetlands of the country. This generates the
existence of hydrophilic species such as reeds, sawgrass and cattails. Associa-
te the wetland exists relict indigenous forests considered the first vegetation
Montevideo West canyons.
La diversidad de ambientes posibilita el hábitat de más de 220 especies de aves
migratorias y permanentes. Entre ellas se destacan el verdón, las garzas, el
carpintero, el churrinche, el Martín pescador, las cuales pueden ser vistas desde
el observatorio de aves del Parque Lecocq. Esta zona es favorable al ciclo repro-
ductivo de especies marítimas de valor pesquero, a la abundancia de anfibios,
mamíferos y del mayor roedor del mundo: el carpincho.
A diversidade de ambientes permite que o habitat de mais de 220 espécies de
aves permanentes e migratórias. Entre eles estão o verdon, as garças, o carpin-
teiro, Churrinche, o guarda-rios, o que pode ser visto a partir do observatório de
aves do Parque Lecocq. Esta área é favorável ao ciclo reprodutivo das espécies
marinhas de valor de pesca, a abundância de anfíbios, mamíferos e o maior
roedor do mundo: a capivara.
The diversity of environments enables the habitat of more than 220 species of
permanent and migratory birds. Among them are the greenfinch, the herons, the
carpenter, the churrinche, kingfishers, which can be seen from the park’s bird
observatory Lecocq. This area is favorable to the reproductive cycle of fishing
value marine species, the abundance of amphibians, mammals and the world’s
largest rodent: capybara.