Mi primera publicacion Margarita Mancia, Phonetics_and_Phonology_Album | Page 12
The upward or downward
movement of the voice, in other
words, it is the movement of
voice from one pitch to another.
Although this word has a very
wide range of meanings and
uses in ordinary language, its
meaning in phonetics and
phonology is quite restricted: it
refers to an identifiable
movement or level of pitch that is
used in a linguistically
contrastive way.
It is a property of syllables, not individual
segments. The stressed syllable is more prominent
than an unstressed syllable, but this is relative.
What is important is that the stressed syllable is
perceived to be produced with greater effort.
English uses several stress levels, as illustrated by
the word photography, in this word, the second
syllable is most prominent – primarystress. and the
final syllable is next most prominent –
secondarystress, and the other syllables are
unstressed – tertiary stress.