MGT 7 Full document 2022.01.24 | Page 7

Transferor ' s Name
Ledger Folio of Transferee
Transferee ' s Name
( iv ) * Indebtedness including debentures ( Outstanding as at the end of financial year )
Number of units
Nominal value per
Total value
Non-convertible debentures
Partly convertible debentures
Fully convertible debentures
Secured Loans ( including interest outstanding / accrued but not due for payment ) excluding deposits
Unsecured Loans ( including interest outstanding / accrued but not due for payment ) excluding deposits
Details of debentures Class of debentures
Non-convertible debentures
Outstanding as at Increase during the the beginning of the year year
Decrease during the year
Outstanding as at the end of the year
Partly convertible debentures
Fully convertible debentures
( v ) Securities ( other than shares and debentures ) 0
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