planning and actually get around to it, you car breaks down or some un-expected expense grabs you when you least expect it! It’s a Grimm picture, almost as horrifying as walking through the woods being followed by a wolf! I was taught from a young age, that you’ll never earn yourself rich, you save yourself rich! For the biggest part of the working class, this is quite true as we tend to increase our expenditure as our income increase. How’s it possible that one still struggles in the same manner as three or five years ago to manage your salary throughout the month, even after all the annual increases received. Surely petrol, food and lodging has become TIME TO BE URGENT – AGAIN! more expensive, but these are not the items that gobbles your salary, So seven months of the year is gone! it’s the living expenses! Time to start planning the shopping for summer, maybe the December So you got an increase, now you can holiday or you might even start plan- go to dinner two times a month, last ning to pay the school fees for next year you could only afford once a year? Want to buy a new car, move month. You can afford a better cellinto a bigger place or closer to work phone and maybe move your month– then at least you could sleep a hour ly shopping to Woolworths. A levi more in the mornings and get home jean is better than one purchased at when the sun is still shining! Mr Price and surely you can get your Here’s the problem: It’s difficult enough for most working individuals to get through to the end of the month, how on earth would we be able to start saving for next year’s school fees – haven’t even settled the bill for this year. Even when you start nails done – don’t need to do them yourself anymore! It’s difficult to decide what’s a basic necessity and what’s a nice-to-have and don’t get me wrong, we all need the nice-to-haves every now and again, but just think how nice it could be to actually afford it! How nice it would be not to use your credit card and three months from now still be paying. Ever thought if you could just freeze your expenses,