MGJR Volume 12 Winter Spring 2025 1 | Page 2


The Morgan Global Journalism Review ( MGJR ) is an online quarterly published by the School of Global Journalism & Communication at Morgan State University . MGJR ’ s mission is to promote journalistic excellence and provide reporting and analysis of media and communications trends , issues and events from an international perspective .
PUBLISHER Jackie Jones
EDITOR DeWayne Wickham
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Courtland Milloy Sandra Dawson Long Weaver Betty Baye Sylvester Monroe Norris West Sheri Booker McKenzie Curtis Morelys Urbano
COPY EDITORS Osaretin Iyare Wayne Dawkins
DESIGNER Sherry Poole Clark
TECHNICAL SUPPORT Ivery Johnson Hekima Stevenson
WEBMASTER Henry McEachnie
CONTACT US : Morgan Global Journalism Review Email : jacqueline . jones @ morgan . edu
Morgan State University Communication Center 363 Baltimore , MD 21251 Phone : ( 443 ) 885-3502
8 BET ON BLACK – At a time when many Blacks are feeling anxious about their place in this country ’ s future , we talked to this country ’ s leading Black futurist to find out what he thinks the road ahead looks like for Black folks .
12 GUARDIAN OF BLACK VOICES – W . Paul Coates has been on a rescue mission for more than half a century . The founder and owner of Black Classic Press , Coates works mightily to preserve the writing of Black authors .
16 AND STILL , WE MARVEL – Black writers today continue to shape the narrative of race at a time when powerful forces seek to silence them .
18 PLEADING OUR CAUSE : A CONTINUING STRUGGLE – From Alain Locke to Paul Coates , Black literature has survived , and at times flourished , amid a withering attack on Black voices .
22 THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF AFRO-LATINOS TO BLACK CULTURE – While often overlooked , Afro-Latinos in shaping the history of Black America .
4 DEAN ’ S CORNER – Jackie Jones is dean of the School of Global Journalism & Communication
6 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR – DeWayne Wickham is Dean Emeritus and Director , Center for New Media & Strategic Initiatives School of Global Journalism & Communication .
24 IN THE BLACK DIASPORA – Norris P . West found a place to visit and things to do when he traveled to Ecuador in his continuing effort to learn Spanish . His three-week immersion program gave him a view of a South American country that most tourists can only imagine .
26 BOOKSMART … A FEW WORDS ABOUT WORDS – “ Cane ” is a collection of short stories that is a cornerstone publication of the Harlem Renaissance . It blends poetry , prose and drama to offer readers a seamless portrayal of the sufferings of Blacks throughout this country in the Jim Crow era .
27 MOVIE REVIEW – Accompanied by an explanation of why Morgan State University ’ s School of Global Journalism & Communication took a symposium on the banning of books by Black authors to Cuba , these pictures capture the essence of this historic gathering .
28 A SPECIAL PICTORIAL REPORT - A BOOK BANNING SYMPOSIUM IN HAVANA – Pictures and video offer a glimpse of a historic gathering , held in a historic place , to discuss an age -old problem .
32 TRANSITIONS – This transition marks the death of a television program and the removal from the airwaves of one of the most trenchant Black voices of opposition to this nation ’ s shift towards authoritarianism .