MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging 2016 | Page 30

The Martinos Center At A Glance The previous pages offer snapshots of the types of research ongoing in the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the many ways in which these studies can advance our understandings of the brain and the body as well as improve healthcare. Here, we provide an overview of the Center’s productivity generally. In several cases we also include numbers for MGH as a whole, to give a sense of the size of our research endeavor relative to that of the institution overall. Total Publications, October 2015 - September 2016 Martinos Center: 250+ A sampling of the journals in which the papers appeared: Nature Radiology Brain Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Clinical Cancer Research Journal of Psychiatric Research Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Neurology Human Brain Mapping Neuroimage Neurophotonics Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Total Research Activity Martinos Center: $47M MGH: $800M Total Active Grants Martinos Center: 200 MGH: 791 Total Personnel Martinos Center: 250 MGH: 6,000