MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging 2016 | Page 23
trol group, suggesting that those ticularly with respect to treatments
regions may be more responsive to such as lifestyle management.
social information in marijuana users than in nonusers.
“Research has shown us that social
network support is vitally important
These findings shed light on the in promoting healthier lifestyle bebrain mechanisms associated with haviors,” she said. “If it is in fact the
marijuana use, but they also have case that marijuana users are more
other important implications, Gil- susceptible to peer influence, we
man said. They could help health- may find that positive peer interaccare providers and social workers tions can be an especially effective
working with marijuana users, par- intervention.”
New research is under way to determine whether there are subsets of
marijuana users who are especially
susceptible to peer influence, and
whether these users show more severe patterns of problematic marijuana use than their peers.
The Martinos Center’s Andre van
der Kouwe also contributed to the
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral
Neuroscience study.
Martinos Center Among The Most Influential
Institutions In Neuroimaging
A new study has identified the 100 most-cited articles
in neuroimaging, as well as the associated authors and
institutions. The MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging ranked No. 3 on the list of the latter.
The study, published in June 2016 on the NeuroImage website, looked at 699 journals considered possible outlets for neuroimaging articles. Using Web of
Science search tools, it identified the 100 most-cited
articles in those journals and then delved into the information recorded for each. In addition to the Martinos Center’s No. 3 showing on the list of most-cited
institutions, the study identified Center investigator
Bruce Fischl as one of the most-cited authors.
The findings follow a Thompson-Reuters list of highly
cited researchers in the sciences and social sciences,
in which eight of the 129 researchers in the Neuroscience & Behavior category were Martinos Center
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