MG Car Club of South Australia
From Tim Edmonds
i all
I hope this finds you all well sum-
mer is just around the corner time to
start cleaning your car. At the last
meeting Stephen Marlow our librarian
told us that some of the books from the
library have been on loan for more than
12 months, if you have any could you
please return them to the clubrooms
ASAP before we have to name and
shame you.
If anyone wishes to organise an event
for the club all details must be pre-
sented to the committee before any-
thing is published to the members. We
are enforcing this due to the many
events we have and to stop date
In December the Adelaide Rally will be
run we have been asked to help with
running part of the
event Murray Stephen-
son is taking names he
can be c ontac ted at stephen-
[email protected] it will be a good way
for you to get up close to the competi-
tion cars.
I hope to see you at the next motork-
hana at Mallala 18 th August it is the last
one for the year there will be also a
teams event, many years ago the
MGCC of SA won this event see Bev
Waters for more details .Helpers will
also be needed.
I will be at the Supercars round at The
Bend as Chief Scrutineer hopefully the
weather will be fine, if you come up call
in a say Hi
See you soon at a club event
& A.A. Automotive (Adrian Akhurst)
14 Nightingale Avenue Magil 5072. Tel 08 8364 4988