MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 36

MG Car Club of South Australia BOBS CROSSWORD CLUES: ACROSS 1 Differential with pinion centre line below crown-wheel centre line. 2 Simplest way to increase power and improve economy is to increase… 3 Conrods usually have spray hole to lubricate which side of the bore? 4 Some pre-war MGs designed with oil where we usually don’t want it. 5 Cam timing can favour high or low revs. Often called valve ….. 6 Piston thrust is which side in a conventional front engine RWD car? 7 Tuned length exhaust branch systems are commonly called …. 8 Radiator pressure caps …….. coolant boiling point. 9 Less energy per litre than petrol but extra power from charge cooling. 10 Diff which prevents an unloaded wheel from uncontrolled spinning. 11 Some pre-war MGs had gears which avoided noise and end-thrust. 12 Left side knockoffs have ……. thread. 13 Early brakes worked equally front and rear, but now bias favours … . DOWN 1 Brake fluid which does not need to be changed every few years. 2 Cables/rods on beam axles are often to preserve this when braking. 3 High compression, low octane fuel, excess spark advance cause … 4 These valve seats need to be broader to conduct heat away. 5 15W/40 oil is …… when cold and 5W/50 oil is …...when hot. 6 Split skirt pistons can run with less ….. and so are quieter. 7 Brand of hard chrome cylinder liners and alloy heads for T-Types. 8 Steering geometry which makes inside wheel steer a tighter radius. 9 Battery …….. favours either body or electrical component corrosion. 10 Factory quoted octane for max power in a TC/TD. (Nearest ten) 11 TA/TB/TC had Bishop Cam but TD/TF/MGA/MGB had rack and …… 34