MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 34

MG Car Club of South Australia MGCC MOTORSPORT COMING EVENTS: ** Aug 18 CAMS SA MOTORKHANA CHAMPIONSHIPS Series 5 (Final round of series) & INTERTEAMS CHALLENGE EVENT, Mallala Motorsport Park Skid Pan. OTHER ITEMS OF INEREST. Remember the teams events years ago, when the MG Car Club could field sev- eral teams. Competitors of the past, come on out and have some fun, and see if you still have it!. “AN EVENING WITH GENTLE JIM” – Tuesday 20 th August - refer flyer at- tached. If anyone is interested in attending the MG Car Club is making up a table of 10 Bookings close 12 th August. Contact Bev if interested. STEWARDS MODULE TRAINING AUG 10 TH for anyone interested in be- coming a Steward. More information is on the CAMS web- site. They are running very short of Stewards. Contact Steve or Bev if you would like to be part of a team in the teams event. THE TARMAC JUNIOR DEVELOP- MENT PROGRAM will be running from August to November. If you have any children or grandchildren who could be interested, see ** Sept 8 th HILLCLIMB COLLIN- GROVE MULTI-CLUB Round 4 ** Sept 29 th MSCA SUPER SPRINT ROUND 4 - Mallala Motorsport Park ** Nov 10 th MSCA SUPER SPRINT ROUND 5 - Mallala Motorsport Park Cheers Bev Waters [email protected] Ph: 0402 262156. ** Denotes events part of the MG Car Club of SA competition INVITED EVENTS Sun Aug 11 th SCC Hillclimb Wintercup Round 4 Sun Aug 18th SCC Hillclimb Wintercup Round 1, rescheduled from March 17 th .date: Sat Sept 7 th SCC Hillclimb COME AND TRY day Sun Oct 6 th Vintage Collingrove Event Oct 18-20 SA Hillclimb Championships 32