MG Car Club of South Australia
From..Bev Waters
Steve Bowra tried his first Motorkhana
MOTORKHANA 14 July, 2019
after many years in his Mercedes C200
and appeared to do very well, although
commented that he needs more prac-
eld at the Mallala Motorsport Park tice, and hinting that a shoulder/arm
Skid pan, an appropriate name massage might be in order after the
with the damp conditions and cold event as the courses had a lot of circu-
breeze and to some it appeared to be a lar rotations. Several of the drivers mak-
drifting exercise. Great for spectators ing similar comments, especially if they
did not have power steering, or could
Congratulations to the brave souls who not manage hand brake turns.
persisted to the end and a good repre- Wes Bray driving the MGZS found it to
sentation from the MG Car Club with be a very exciting experience in the wet
eight competitors testing their skills in trying to control the car when the turbo
difficult conditions.
dropped in causing the back of the car
Dick Manning making an appearance in to kick out when the power shifted to the
a recently completed MGF road build, (a front. All good car handling experience
different MGF to the Sprint car), and was when on the road though.
testing out some new suspension and if Good to see Scott Stephenson back
a potential motorkhana candidate. The after a stint at Racing, and has now
loss of power steering during the day scaled down to a standard Excel for a
made manoeuvring quite difficult and if it ‘bit of fun’. Regardless of a blown head
had not been rectified, could have seen gasket and a bad misfire, still held his
him withdraw. However ably assisted by own in a class of eleven cars. The com-
Steve Bowra, they found the fault only to petition was very close and commented
be a dirty connection at the fuse. Apart ‘wet skids are the best skids’.
from appearing cold, it looked like he
was enjoying the day.
Thanks to all the officials. It was wet
The Edwards family Tyler, Faye and Ja- and windy, and their efforts out there
son (no TD today), all sharing the were appreciated by all the competitors.
MGZR. A true grit competition now hap-
pening between Tyler and Nan Faye and Results not yet to hand at time of print-
great to see a young lad so excited and ing. Results in the next magazine
enjoying his MG – or is the competitive-
ness like dad Jason.
Cheers Bev.
Jason had not intended entering as he
had not been well during the week, but
on arrival at the event, he could not bear
to be a spectator while everyone was
about to have some fun on the wet sur-