MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 30

MG Car Club of South Australia MGF & MODERN MG’s NEWS From.. Neil Williams W MGF & Modern MG`s Run Saturday July 6th ell another successful day. Al- though the weather was a little cool the sun was shinning which made up for it .Meeting at the Tea Tree Gully Hotel at approx. 9.30 most people en- joyed some coffee before the run. We had 18 persons come on the run with 12 cars (90 % register vehicles )which was very pleasing to see .Dick manning had organised the run for about 1 hr through the northern hills ending up at the Greenock Aviation Museum . The owner Lincoln Nitschke met us on arrival and had lunch all prepared , after lunch Lincoln explained the origins of the museum and explained some of the de- tails of exhibits and their origin a very interesting talk . We spent about an hour in the museum and then afterwards Lincoln ran a couple of engines for us , one being a diesel from a 50`s Commer Prime mover and the other a Merlin .This Merlin was a 27litre detuned version of what aircraft 28 used ( 2000hp reduced to 650hp ) and was installed as a tank engine .So an- other enjoyable run and after thanking Lincoln we all headed home early after- noon Attendees Dick Manning MGF Geoff Burls MGTF Nick Micklem MGZR Davey Johnson MGF Rob & Julie Hall MGZS Peter Coulson MX5 Neil & Joyce Williams MGZT BerryTreffers MG6 Roger Ford Land Rover David & Vikki George MGTF Mick Motolo & Nigel Powell Merc SLK320 Garry & Jenice Chapman MGF