MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 26

MG Car Club of South Australia MID WEEK LUNCH RUN REPORT From ..Gary Chapman I Thursday 11 July 2919 t was another wintery day with rain and fog as we gathered at the Victo- ria Hotel for coffee. There was not an MG to be seen in the carpark, the clos- est relation being Trevor & Helen Praite’s Rover. There were 18 cars of various makes ready to do the run. After an hour of socialising we set off on the run through Bakers Gully, Blewitt Springs and Yundi to enter Mt. Compass via the Nankita Road. Although the roads were clear there was evidence of the recent wind storm with branches down on the sides of the road. Most people had no trouble following the route and enjoyed the country views which are now looking very green. As we arrived at the Mt.Compass Golf Club the sun came out and we were able to enjoy the views over the fairways and watch the occasional kangaroo. We were joined at the Golf Club by David and Diane Holmes and Chris and Sue Thomson who live in Mt. Compass. The meal started with complimentary garlic bread and I think everyone was happy with their meals which were of a high standard. 24 Next midweek lunch run will be on Thursday 8 th August 2019 meeting at the Crafers Hotel from 10.30 and leaving at 11.30 to the Belair Hotel. Everyone is welcome. Please book with GRAHAM LOADER if you wish to come so that the numbers can be confirmed with the hotel. GRAHAM LOADER – [email protected] 0419 020 615 Lunch Runners: Bob & Vari Booth Subaru Bill & Kathy Branson Subaru Garry & Jenice Chapman Mazda Trevor & Sandy Dicker Mitsubishi Jim & Joan Hanna Calais David & Diane Holmes VW Chris & Annette Kinney BT50 Graham & Pat Loader Suzuki Julie & Brian McIver Kia Daryl & Jenny Pinch Pajero Andrew & Deb Pointon Kia Rodger & Sue Polkinghorne Mazda Trevor & Helen Praite Rover Arthur Ruediger BMW Craig Steel Mercedes Rosa Stanton & Don Moyse Kia Bryan & June Terry Toyota 86 Chris & Sue Thomson Neville & Marjorie Pridgeon Ford