MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 24

MG Car Club of South Australia 2019 CALENDAR August 2019 1 Thur T Register Meeting Ken Fishers St Marys 8 Thur Mid Week Lunch Run 9 Fri MGF/Moderns meeting. 10/24 Sat Club Registration Clubrooms 10.00 am until 12.00 noon 13 Tue Monthly General Meeting 18 Sun Motorkhana Rnd 4 25 Sun Breakfast Run to Mitcham September 2019 4 Thur T Register Meeting Paul Dallwitz Unley 8 Sun Hillclimb Rnd 4 Collingrove 10 Tue Monthly General Meeting 12 Thur Mid Week Lunch Run Sat/Sun Club Registration Clubrooms 10.00 am until 12.00 noon 19 Thur MGA Meeting Clubrooms 29 Sun Supersprint 29 Sun Breakfast Run to Pt Elliot 14/28 MID WEEK LUNCH RUN Next midweek lunch run will be on Thursday 8 th August 2019 meeting at the Crafers Hotel from 10.30 and leaving at 11.30 to the Belair Hotel. Everyone is welcome. Please book with GRAHAM LOADER if you wish to come so that the numbers can be confirmed with the hotels. GRAHAM LOADER – [email protected] 0419 020 615 22