August 2019
MGB Register Event
(An MGCCSA Incorporated
We have been kindly invited to visit:
Adelaide Hills Panel Works,
Specialise in…
Custom / street rod
Classic car restoration
Modern classic restoration
Vintage / veteran car
Prestige car restoration
Modified car
Muscle car restoration
Performance car restoration
Exotic car restoration
Vintage motor sport
Insurance repairs
They are located at…
Adelaide Hills Panel Works
11 Woodside Rd. Nairne. S.A. 5252
p: 08 8388 0755 f: 08 8388 0766
Date: Saturday 27 th July 2019
Time: 09.00am
We will meet at the premises at 9.00 am for a talk by the owner Rob, and then view their work in
All are welcome, but please let me know if you intend attending in order that I can advise them
of the approximate numbers.
Following the visit, I will arrange a route for a scenic drive back to Adelaide for those interested.
Steve Spong
[email protected]
0417 817 101