MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 6 | Page 16

MG Car Club of South Australia CLUB REGISTRATION NEWS From...Geoff Goode Are there to be any more three year in- spections and an annual Stat. Dec. to be filled out and recorded by our Club? I think almost everyone now knows this onerous aspect of the Code has now gone – “dead, buried and cremated” as a former PM would say. CLUB REGISTRATION FOR HISTORIC VEHICLES – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS have been asked on several occa- sions a number of questions regard- ing the Code of Practice:- I Can the vehicle be driven into the street for the purposes of moving other vehi- cles around without filling out the log book? The answer now is yes. All vehicles on Club Registration can be moved up to 500 metres as they are now covered by the “extension” allowance. What happens if a journey carries over midnight before the destination is reached, does the log book have show another entry for another day? The answer is yes. You have to stop and fill your log book for another day as a day’s journey is from midnight to mid- night only. I hope that’s clear. How does one count out the ninety days maximum usage? The answer is from the start to the end of the current one year of registration. What if another driver takes over during a journey? You do not have to fill in another line with the new driver’s signature. Previ- ous notification was incorrect according to DPTI. The new log books will leave the word “driver” out of the column, only “signature” will be shown. If seat belts are fitted, do they have to be used? The answer, covered extensively in my previous note, is yes. Children under seven have to be secured in an ap- proved child restraint. Can anyone drive your car? Any licenced driver can drive so long as they fill in the details of the journey and sign the log book. Can the “new” registration details be filled in by the owner during the year when registration is renewed? Yes, the owner is expected to amend the current year details in the log book. There is no need to visit us until the sub- scription payment period for log book updates or replacement. We will then stamp your blue registration papers and record the details. What are the minimum conditions of compliance that must be observed to meet the Code’s requirements? You must be a financial member of the Club at all times, the log book must show the current financial year has been signed off by one of our inspectors, your vehicle registration must be current, the driver must hold a current drivers li- cence and the vehicle has not exceeded ninety days of usage. What happens if you miss a year in see- ing us for a log book update, say for instance your vehicle is “off the road”? We still count that missing year so you may need a log book replacement sooner than you think. There may be more questions that you have, if so, feel free to contact me and I 14