December 2019
whole exercise so much fun
to be involved with.
These events do not happen
by themselves and I’d like to
thank those members who
assisted in the background to
help make it a success and
those members who assisted
on Sunday with setting up,
checking in and marshalling.
A special thanks to Dick Man-
ning, whose help is greatly
appreciated, my daughter Re-
becca and my wife Pam, who
between them, compiled and
bound all the run books, bags
etc. and Nigel Moulds from the
RAA, for providing us with a
support vehicle in case of any
breakdowns (none reported)
and MG Sales and Service for
providing a box of spare parts,
just in case.
Berry Treffers AAKR Coordina-
Adelaide, November 10, 2019
Continued overleaf...........