MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 11 | Page 44

MG Car Club of South Australia MGA/MAGNETTE REGISTER REPORT From..Sandra Cardnell hills opposite. Quite close to the town is the Checker Hill Road which terminates at the Williamstown Road. The views are fantastic so we took that route home. Seven members of the Jowett club were in Forreston to greet us and we enjoyed morning tea (really great cakes made by the girls and nibbles supplied by Den- nise). It took some time for us to view the Jowetts, mostly owned by Tim Kelly. Along with his EK Holden (his first car) and a quite rare 2 cylinder Bradford built by Jowetts in Leeds (photo, a dark blue van). We had, from memory, two large saloon cars, two saloons with the slop- ing back and a couple of sports models. (2 photos showing a car and the un- usual placement of the radiator – behind the engine). Then, there were Tim’s sheds to venture into. I looked into the first one, but was not brave enough to look any further. Suffice to say Tim is a collector. A long time member of the Jowett club was looking forward to see- ing any Magnettes that might make the journey, because, apparently both the Magnettes and the Jowetts were de- signed by Gerard Palmer. Sadly, not this time. A very good morning and it was good to see other MG’s join the run. Dick Man- ning in his modern F, Roger Ford (MGB) and Ken Burke and John Roach in Ken’s MGB. Jowett members included Barrie Dutz, Sue and Gavin Farmer, Sylvia and Alvin Jenkin and of course our hosts, Janet and Tim Kelly. Geoff Short and Kathryn Smith (new mem- bers) and John Van Velzon (with his wife) on their first run since joining about REPORT ON THE COMBINED MGA/ MAGNETTE AND JOWETT JAVELIN RUN SATURDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 2019. D ennise and Nick Micklem very kindly offered to organize this run instead of the usual Thursday night reg- ister meeting.. We met at the Tea Tree Gully Hotel for a chat, introductions of new members and members who had not previously been on a run with the MGA/Magnette Group, followed by cof- fee (or tea) in the hotel. We enjoyed complimentary biscuits from the hotel. (two photos of the cars at the hotel). Apologies from Algates, Denny’s, Goodes’ and Arthur Ruediger. With the exception of Velli and Gary Algate, all the other members had duties at Club Registration day and payment of subs at the Clubrooms. A special thank you to Dee Denny and Lyn Stagg for step- ping in for Alan at the Club so that he could drive me on the run. I drive the MGB occasionally, but the MGA is an- other matter. Imagine if I damaged it, life would not be worth living. Three members of the Jowett Javelin Club joined us at the Gully in a Jowett and a modern vehicle. We travelled through the back streets of Fairview Park and then onto the One Tree Hill Road. Through Kersbrook, Williams- town, around the Warren Reservoir and then onto Forreston. Our hosts Janet and Tim Kelly had a very good display of Jowett Javelins around their quaint (and quite old) country stone cottage. A verandah on two sides gave quite mag- nificent views over the valley and to the 42