MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 11 | Page 36

MG Car Club of South Australia OUR LITTLE “ EMMY “ ( MGB ) Final part of the two part story from...Chris and Sue Thomson Final part two of the article from the November issue N ow to under the bonnet…I earlier mentiond that the motor tended to run a bit hot. It also did a fair bit of ping- ing, when under load—climbing Wil- lunga Hill for example. I tried to retune it by moving the distributor left and right a few degrees—it just coughed and spluttered when I turned it one way, and was gutless when I turned it the other. So I took the dizzy out and after a bit of probing and disassembly, found that the advance plate wasn’t mounting on the centre locator properly. It was all loose and sloppy…stop that you dirty little!!!!....Purchased and replaced the distributor, tuned the motor—to this day—happy little Emmy!!. Replaced the SU carby jets, engine was still missing a bit, didn,t think it was the dizzy anymore, turned out to be another wise moment on my part!!. My head is getting bigger by the min- ute……even happier little Emmy!! Note—I tried to buy a carby synchro- nizer from Bruce, but he didn’t have any in at the time, so I did the best I could tuning the carbys, by adjusting the jets until the engine ran smoothly. I think that in the end it has all worked out ok, be- cause the car now seems to have a lot more horses, and it doesn,t get hot anymore and miss.. Took it for a drive last week, up to Mount Barker, wa- ter temperature got to around 70 degrees, ran quiet, smooth, good acceleration etc—I,m a happy chappy!!. One day soon, I think that I should take the car to a reputable me- chanic and get him to go over it, to make sure that it,s all as it should be.. Still under the bonnet…. Took the car- bys off, took them to pieces, cleaned them up, cleaned filters, new heat shield, put them back again all nice and shiny… Rocker cover, took off, repainted cham- pion red, replaced damaged stickers, new seals, reassembled. Clutch cylinders, top and bottom, re- moved, cleaned,- replaced worn seals and hose, refitted, bled. I did have trouble bleeding the clutch cylinders. If you ever have to do it, you will find that until the bottom cylinder is completely devoid of any residual air, you wont get a response at all from the clutch pedal. I found that, because I was trying to do it on my own, when trying to bleed air out of the bottom cyl- inder, under the car, I was at the same time, emptying the top cylinder of fluid. ( It doesn’t hold that much fluid). This happened because I wasn’t closing the bottom bleed valve off at the right time, which allowed air to sneak back into the bottom cylinder, and not topping up the top cylinder often enough. I remedied 34