MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 10 | Page 7

November 2019 Editorial T MGCC Clubrooms Monthly General Meetings Held at 8.00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Clubrooms. All those who are interested in MGs are welcome. “Noggin’ & Natter” Every Friday night at the Clubrooms. Time: 7.30 pm - ~ 10.00 pm. All welcome for a chat and a drink. Licensed premises. Tea and coffee available. Register Meetings “T” Reg. First Thursday of each month. Time: 7.00 for 7.30 pm.start. Venues as advertised in Register Report. Everyone welcome - even if you don’t own a Register vehicle. MGF Reg. Bi-monthly Second Friday of the month at the clubrooms 7.30pm From ..Laurie Houghton Editor he bulk e-mail system I spoke about last month is up and run- ning, thanks to Berry Treffers actions, see page 13. Bev Waters and Webmaster Mark Abraham are reviewing the Website, Mark is upgrading to WEBPRESS software. Once again you have responded to my call for interesting articles, a two part story by Chris and Sue Thomson about their MGB features on page 33 Two Pre-War cars are featured on the cover this month, thanks to Terry Wright for the excellent photos and story. I keep having this vision of an MG ( I think a TC) parked in front of a WW11 bomber in the UK, I would love to see a local version on our cover, is there an RAAF pilot in our ranks who could engineer this? Hint/Hint. any MG would be nice. F35? MGA/Magnette Reg Bi-monthly on the third Thursday of the month, starts Jan in odd numbered months, 7.00 pm for 7.30 Know Your MG Meetings Third Tuesday of each month. Time: 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Start. Venues as advertised.Everyone welcome. Breakfast Runs Now Meet at Veale Gardens, CBD South Tce. For 9.00am starts. BYO everything for breakfast. See Calendar for dates etc; Mid Week Lunch Runs Second Thursday in the month. See the calendar Motorsport Events See Motorsport Report. And don’t forget, please support our sponsors whenever possible and be sure to let them know you are an MG Car Club member Printed by Kwik Kopy Unley. Shop 7A 453 Fullarton Road Highgate SA 5063 Ph: 8271 7422 A National Meeting sponsor 5