MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 10 | Page 11

November 2019 his own produced wine is exceptional we really appreciate that he shares it around. Ronnie Jellet’s effort in driving his TC up from Murray Bridge has to be acknowl- edged as he is in some discomfort inter- nally he says, Brian Goldy appreciated the company driving his up as he does regularly. General Business Coming soon: The MGCCSA website is being upgraded and cleared out of backlogged reports and the like. Look for the register report on the home page under “whats happening” for a while yet until the new format has been estab- lished by our webmaster Mark Abraham. Craig Fergusson Memorial Day. This was a wonderful occasion, thankyou sincerely for those who took their regis- ter cars as a tribute to Craig, his family were thrilled that they were there along- side his beautiful TC 8755. Arthur Ruediger, Thane Martin, Ian Buckley, Bob Schapel, David Mcnabb, Maurice Mozza Linehan, thankyou lads. On TC 8755, the bodywork was com- pleted in the restoration stage by Ray Finch when Craig was working in the Riverland .this was just one of the many MG’s handled by Ray. Finchy said that Craig was an exceptional client, one of the best that he had helped with MG car restorations over the journey. TC 8755 remains a beautifully finished MG TC. Register Car Badges: An initiative by Geoff Glasson, supported by our distin- guished graphic designer Mozza Line- han was presented to the meeting in the way of a full size coloured mock up based on a similar badge out of the WA car club, this will be taken a step further through the secretary of registers Ken Burke. Peter Auld suggested that it may be a good idea if the A series and other Registers in the club use this format suitably identified. 3 October 2019 The Big Night Octoberfest in the Big Shed, Paechtown via Hahndorf R eally big thankyou to Peter and Bronwyn Micklem for their marvel- lous hospitality in the big shed once again this year, superb supper , finger lickin good chicken wings and a splash of port from Peter’s barrel at the end capped off a big night . Octoberfest is gone, next year it will be a Novemberfest in the daylight saved sum- mer time thanks to the Micklem’s sensa- tional generosity ahead in 2020. The stats: 53 patrons signed into the book, 18 register vehicles corralled onto the property, there were 9 TC’s,5 TD’s,3 TF and 1 Y Saloon. 3 MGA’s from the A register presented. Apologies: The following missed out , excuses were somewhat varied. Terry 007 Wright, Peter Cundy, A C Pear- and mother Joy ( flying over the Pacific champagne class) , Jenny & Lin- ton Schiller, Forthy, Garry Chapman, David Kemp, Herr Leigh Richter, Peter & Judy Wallace,Chris & Heather Bennett, Roland Harris, Jim Bowering, Peter Lan- caster, David Fairbrother, Ken Burke, Andrew Bate and Don Ghost who walks Walker a late withdrawal. Visitors: You knew it was going to be an interesting night when the boys from the far hills rolled in with the serial pest John Neilson in tow, Ray Finch & Squire Offler escorted him to the meeting his usual behavioural characteristics took a while to break into the open. Russell Garth introduced MG identity Matthew Magilton of TF Register fame visiting from Melbourne, the Magilton’s are well written into Australian MG folk- lore. David Herbert flew his plane up to Goolwa from Mt Gambier especially for the meeting and a few other things, his TC gets used down in the SE I am told, 9