MG Motoring 2018 November 2018 WEB-opt | Page 13

November 2018 early. A good showing of cars turned up for the run into Hahndorf. I managed to shoehorn Reg O’Malley into my TC as a passenger from there, he was a really good navigator despite his OBE, and yes Reg, I enjoyed your company even though hood was down and you had to yell at me to be heard. Arthur visited his favourite spot near the freeway again, I have it on good author- ity that the cold and rigid TC suspension has that effect on the bladder and he is not the only one I can assure you. General Business. Not a lot but there were some notable points of conversation put forward by the assembled populous. Chris Bennet was able to hand back the axle to Gordon Brice . What a nice ges- ture by Gordon to lend it just in case the caravan would prove too much behind the Bennet’s TF on the way to Tasma- nia. Dean Hosking let it be known that Chris & Heathers TF with caravan in tow would be displayed at the Sporting Car Club that week. Just shows the “power” of MG. Some large industrial MV lights were offered by Peter Micklem for “free” how- ever there were no takers, amazing what you find cleaning the shed for a Register night. A green bottle bag left behind in 2017 found its rightful owner, a Mr Richard Mixture raced in to claim it. Speaking of cleaning up, Peter M was no orphan , Terry Wright brought along a stack of Safety Fast magazines from 1959-1967 for anyone to take home, a few went off , maybe the rest will end up in a Medical waiting room on Unley Road ? Nice of Willow to share around a bottle of wine , won at an earlier register night, it was pretty good but I could not recall the label. Gary Chapman was acknowledged as he would be talking at the Club’s Ed Ordinsky night on rallying in the car club early days. Gary and the late Alan Hutchings were legends in their own tool boxes in the 60’s at the club. It must be noted that as both were em- ployees of the Lands Department they had the upper hand on anyone else as they had access to detailed mapping at the Government’s expense. No so for Chris Kinney, the department sent him off up north well away from the LTO. Ken Fisher spoke volumes of praise of the advice given by a member that cured the wheel wobbles on the front of the TD. He purchased a set of Han- cook tyres , after 80 k’s , just beautiful ! 11