November 2016
From ..Laurie Houghton
MGCC Clubrooms
Monthly General Meetings
Held at 8.00 pm on the second Tuesday of
each month at the Clubrooms. All those who
are interested in MGs are welcome.
“Noggin’ & Natter”
Every Friday night at the Clubrooms. Time:
7.30 pm - ~ 10.00 pm. All welcome for a
chat and a drink. Licensed premises.
Tea and coffee available.
Register Meetings
“T” Reg. First Thursday of each month.
Time: 7.00 for 7.30 pm.start. Venues as
advertised in Register Report. Everyone
welcome - even if you don’t own a Register
MGF Reg. Last Friday of the month at the
clubrooms 7.30pm
MGA/Magnette Reg Bi-monthly on the
third Thursday of the month, starts Jan in
odd numbered months, 7.00 pm for 7.30
Know Your MG Meetings
Third Tuesday of each month. Time: 7.00
for 7.30 pm. Start. Venues as
advertised.Everyone welcome.
have always tended not to get
too political with my editorial, so I
don’t know if this falls into this category. But as a motorist and particularly an MG I believe what is proposed by my local council, City of
Charles Sturt, is impinging on my
rights as a motorist, in as much as
they are intending to have all the
side streets in the entire Council
area with 50kph speed limits
changed to 40kph.
Some years ago they advised our
Club of their intention to turn Chief
Street to 40kph and as far as I am
aware we, our committee, did not
respond to their proposal and you
know the result,
I don’t know what you as members
think about the 40 kph limit in Chief
St, I think it is ridiculous, the point I
am making is if you don’t speak up
you can’t complain after the event.
So members living in Charles Sturt,
if you disagree with this change
when they survey you, have your
Breakfast Runs
Now Meet at Veale Gardens, CBD South And don’t forget, please
Tce. For 9.00am starts. BYO everything for support our sponsors
whenever possible
breakfast. See Calendar for dates etc;
and be sure to let them
know you are an MG
Car Club member
Mid Week Lunch Runs
Second Thursday in the month.
See the calendar
Motorsport Events
See Motorsport Report.
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