MG Car Club of South Australia
Motorsport Mutterings
Upcoming events
months are:
The Super Sprint run recently was the
final round of the MGCCSA championship for 2016.
This doesn’t mean the end of motorsport for the year.
Saturday 29 October is a Come &
Try Hillclimb at Collingrove which is
an opportunity for new competitors to
try hillclimbing.
November 17 - 19 – Classic
Adelaide Rally
See some great classic cars getting
around SA roads in touring or competition mode.
See the cars up close at the Friday
night Gouger Street Party and the
Twilight stage in Victoria Park on the
Saturday evening. Check the website
for details of tickets and times.
Planning is well under way for the
2017 calendar and we have confirmed
Mallala dates for super sprints and the
Peter Hall Six Hour. Motorkhana and
Hillclimb dates are a bit more flexible
so the discussion continues but it is
shaping up to be a very busy year.
Spend the Christmas lull wisely getting the cars ready!
In addition to the regular events we
will also have a National Meeting at
Easter in Adelaide and an Inter Club
Challenge in Melbourne at Queen’s
Birthday weekend which will be a Rob
Roy Hillclimb and a Sandown Super
November 19 - 20 – Victoria Park
The other half of the Adelaide Motorsport Festival is the Victoria Park
Sprint which overlaps the Classic
Adelaide. See some amazing cars
being driven as they should be including historic Formula 1 cars and a
great array of classics.
Should be an amazing weekend.
Another exciting addition to the calendar for 2017 will be a Come and Try
Super Sprint. This will allow new
sprinters to receive some tuition and
guidance from an experienced
sprinter at their first event while still
completing the full sprint program. If
you have thought about sprinting but
had some doubts, or you know someone who has, this is a great opportunity to get involved.
Sunday 30 November is Multi Club
Hillclimb Round 3 at Collingrove
which is the final event counting towards the MGCC SA championship.
Entries are through the CAMS online
event entry system which is accessed
via the CAMS Member Portal.
I believe entries are still open but you
will need to get in soon if you wish to
The Come & Try is currently scheduled for Sunday 12 March at Mallala
and it will be supervised by the MSCA
Victorian team who have been running these for some years and have
offered to come and help MSCA SA
get started. This would be a great
lead up to the Nat Meet if you are
thinking of competing.