M&G july 2014 | Page 14

Wanna eat?

Santiago Serna



We know that you are hungry, but you donĀ“t have time. Continue reading to eat fast and delicious.

we know that when we're playing for long hours either on a video console, a computer, or whatever, eventually hunger will attack, we often have some food from the day before, or ordered some , unfortunately, this food is not always healthy or takes too long to get the order. As M & G know that what we all want is to eat well, quick and healthy if you can, we seek recipes so they can do in their homes; after a long search found a few recipes that are for multiple people and, besides being delicious we can cook in 15 minutes.

This time we bring you a recipe for pasta (Chorizo carbonara with catalan market salad), we tested and turned out to be that if we follow the video (in the link along with the recipe), turns out to be easy and delicious, slightly spicy, but along with salad, will be able to eat a meal worthy of the most refined palates.

This recipe is ideal for lovers of the Spanish cuisine.