MFW June 2013 | Page 35

Heli SIG Committee
Chairperson :
Kim Clarke – Tauranga
Secretary :
Allen James - Auckland
Treasurer :
Kevin Foote – Hamilton
Committee :
Bruce McKay - Tauranga
Website : http :// www . modelflyingnz . org / interest / heli . htm Facebook : www . facebook . com / helisignz Email : helisig @ yahoo . co . nz
Competitions & Events
The 2013 Heli Series . We have 2 rounds under our belt with a fantastic turnout to each . There has been a dramatic increase in participants for 3DNZ this year with a number of participants new to competition flying . There is a real case of competitors encouraging each other along . This has seen a rapid increase in pilot skill and accuracy which is fantastic to see . The series is shaping up to be a close battle .
The organisers of this series would like to thank round facilitators , participants and especially judges for making these events successful . A thank you goes once again to John Danks for the hospitality at his Pukekawa site for round 1 and to the SWIM club for hosting round 2 .
The next event will be held at Hamilton in October so you have plenty of time to download the routine documents and get out to the field and give them ago . Entry is open to anyone who is a current MFNZ financial member and can safely hover a helicopter – Give it a go , its surprisingly challenging fun .
Events have been and are booked to be held at the following locations : Round 1 - 16 / 17 March – Pukekawa Round 2 - 13 / 14 April – Tokoroa Round 3 – 19 October – Hamilton Round 4 – November – Levin Round 5 – 7 / 8 December – Tauranga Round 6 – January 2014 – 66th MFNZ Nationals – Carterton
Clubman , Sportsman , F3C ( Schedule P ), and 3DNZ will be offered at each round and to count towards the series . For more details , check out the event listings under the Competition and Events tab on the Heli SIG pages of the MFNZ website , or send and email to the address listed above .
The Heli SIG invites the receipt of remits to be voted upon prior and at the 2013 Heli SIG AGM . In particular the SIG would like to hear from people with regards to competition rule suggestions that maybe implemented prior to the 66th Nationals at Carterton . It is important the SIG provides existing and potential competitors competition formats that are relevant and of interest . Please send your remit / suggestion to the email address listed above . It is also time to consider if you are able to assist with the operation of the Heli SIG . Representative groups such as a SIG benefit from a gentle rotation of members and ideas . The roles are as varied as a member wishes to take on and can provide an opportunity to help determine the development of our particular discipline . In the first instance please send an email to the Heli SIG address and we can go from there .
For the latest communications check out our Facebook Applet on the MFNZ website : http :// www . modelflyingnz . org / interest / heli . htm or g o d i r e c t l y t o o u r F a c e b o o k p a g e : www . facebook . com / helisignz
For further information or comments please do not hesitate to send an email to : helisig @ yahoo . co . nz . Any thoughts , suggestions or feedback is greatly appreciated .
Kim Clarke Heli SIG