MFW June 2013 | Page 32

It has been a couple of issues of MFW since I have reported anything . The other person “ Someone Else ” has been doing it but seriously I haven ’ t as Chairman had a lot to report until now .
The World Free Flight Champs , Poitou , France .
Five Competitors , Paul Lagan , Roger Morrell , Antony Koerbin , Chris Murphy and myself , Rob Wallace are heading towards Paris towards the end of July to compete in The World Free Flight Champs in classes F1A glider and F1B rubber . Thanks to MFNZ and The FF SIG for their contribution towards costs . It is very much appreciated . Also travelling over are Bill and Sarah McGarvey , Rex and Shirley Bain , And Lindy Murrell who will be our very capable team Manager . Also showing interest is former World Champion , John Sheppard .
Flying Fields
Currently new fields for flying freeflight are being investigated in the Waikato area by Rex Bain and Bill McGarvey with some success but it is early days yet how well this would work out for a large event such as a Nationals . Unfortunately it is sad to report that the use of the Killermont site at Omarama which was intended for the next Trans Tasman event for next year has been lost but Antony Groenewegen and Rex Bain will be looking for alternate sites in the area as soon as possible . If anyone in the South Island knows of any large suitable sites for international competition we would love to hear from you .
The Nationals
The 2012 and 2013 Nationals have been and gone and apart from some rough weather to start , the hardy bunch of free flighters got through most events . There has been a lot of effort by Jonathan Shorer to analyse statistics and trends from several Nationals to see if things like the Prizegiving time can be reduced , poorly attended events can be withdrawn or separate prizegiving for those done at a different time , more people can be encouraged to attend and so on . There has been much email discussion on the graphs and information presented and it will be a discussion topic at the up and coming combined SIGS AGM in July .
There are efforts being made to hold the 2015 Nationals at Matamata hence the interest in looking for new fields to hold freeflight events near that venue .
The Combined SIGS AGM .
I am intending to be present at the combined SIGS AGM in July literally 2 days before I fly off to France for the World Free Flight Champs . If anyone has subjects for discussion of a Freeflight nature please contact me on 068784993 or email me at ffonzrjw @ xnet . co . nz
MFNZ Reports
It would be good for me to know if someone is doing any reports of a Freeflight nature for MFW . Please contact me prior . It would be much appreciated .