Sunday was another cracker , wind was only a couple of knots and was straight down the runway again so we were straight back into it and the models were airborne . After a few flights Steve and I realised that we had been too busy and hadn ’ t taken many photos so we took a few minutes to wander around and admire the many models that had attended the event . Clayton had been filming the whole weekend and has lots of footage To check out the photos and videos from the event head over to the NHMC YouTube channel http :// www . youtube . com / user / rcheliclubNHM C or just search NHMC on YouTube . It really is an awesome sight to see and if you ’ d wondered about attending an event like this I can highly recommend it .
Prize giving was held on Sunday afternoon with Morris and Lloyd taking out the “ best newcomer ” category . Well done guys . We were thanked by the organisers Russell Eastaway and Peter Agnew and were given a bottle of the local Wangaratta wine each to sample . The event was well organised and well run and I ’ d like to Thank Peter and Russell on behalf of the New Zealand team for all their effort and for making this trip possible for us . A big thanks also goes to Steve Nichols , without his help with the customs paperwork and all the other stuff that goes with transporting a model jet none of this would be possible . I am definitely keen to head back over next year .
Above : Kiwi ’ s posing .. from left to right Morris Bushby , Rog P e r r e t t , S t e v e N i c h o l s , C l a y t o n Mitchell , Steve Ford & Lloyd Bushby .