MFW June 2013 | Page 15

Wingspan : 1180mm ( 46.5ins ) Fuselage length to prop back plate 930 mm . Flying weight : 1065 grams . C of G 90mm behind Leading edge at Fuz side . Motor : brushless Apache 30-18 , kv 905 , weight
108g .
Turnigy AE-45A Brushless Linear BEC Propeller : APC E 11x7 producing 330 Watts , drawing
28 / 30 Amps . Servos : 4x HobbyKing HK-922MG digital 1.8kg .
Wingspan :
1185mm ( 46.75 in .) Fuz length 940 .
Flying weight :
1090 grams . C of G 82mm back from L / E at
Fuz .
Motor :
NTM PropDrive 35-30 1400kv weight 89g
Turnigy AE-45A .
Propeller :
APC Electric 10x5 , 385 watts at 34 Amps
Servos :
4x HobbyKing HK-933MG digital 2.00kg .
Wingspan :
1195mm ( 47in ) Fuz length 970 mm .
Flying weight :
1120 grams . C of G 85 mm back from L / E
at Fuz .
Motor :
NTM PropDrive 35-30 1400 . Wt 89 grams .
Turnigy AE-45A .
Propeller :
APC Electric 10x5
Servos :
4x HK-922MG .
Wingspan :
1240mm ( 48.75 in ) Fuz length 925mm
( 36.5 in )
Flying weight :
1170 gms C of G 82mm back from L / E at
Fuz .
Motor :
NTM Propdrive 35-30 1400 Wt 89 gms
Turnigy AE-45A
Propeller :
APC Electric 10x5
Servos :
4xHK 933MG
The plans for these models can be downloaded for free as a PDF file from “ Downloads / Plans ” on the M o d e l F l y i n g H a w k e s B a y w e b s i t e http :// www . hbrf . org . nz / joomla / index . php ? option = com _ phoca d o w n l o a d & v i e w = c a t e g o r y & i d = 6 : & I t e m i d = 6 4 Anyone interested in building , can take these files into the local Copy World and have a full sized plan printed out in minutes . You need to nominate the print size as noted on the download instructions to get and exact size .
Here at Model Flying Hawkes Bay we have a group build under way with some fifteen members involved in building 21 aircraft . All construction should be finished by mid May and then it just remains to brown paper them and they can be taken home for fitting and painting . Being able to complete the various building stages en masse has saved a lot of time . The estimated cost of the build is around $ 50 per aircraft without gear , being made up of 4 sheets of 3.00mm balsa , and part sheets of 1.5 , 4.5 and 6.5mm . Some plywood and glues ( Gorilla , PVA , Cyano and Epoxy / micro balloons ). Carbon laminate strips & rods , brown paper , tape , white foam , One Time filler and disposables . The size , dimensions and moments seem to work well , so anyone with a bit of imagination can easily change the profiles and wing outline to create any Warbird of choice . A P-40 or a P- 47 seems to spring to mind . Already there is talk at MFHB of
Profile cores Profile building session
pylon racing and formation flying , combat and just having fun , my four models have been well rung out on occasions . If you are prepared to have a go , I commend the build and hope you enjoy the experience , and if it can be done as a club project , then so much the better . At MFHB we are having fun and enjoying the experience .