MFW June 2013 | Page 11

Pic 4 . is the finished job still clamped in the top of the frame .
Pic 7 . shows a simple vac forming unit for small to medium use . ( The item here is the inner surface of the Nose Leg Door of the Vamp – note it is from Aluminum filled Epoxy ). The vacuum source is a vacuum cleaner plugged into the side . If you happened to have a vacuum pump with a tank then a bigger box would allow you to do bigger mouldings .
Pic 5 . is as cut from the sheet
This system features a separate , hinged frame for clamping the plastic which is best heated in the oven . ( You need heat resistant clamps ). Careful use of a heat gun can also give you a satisfactory result for smaller jobs .
The procedure is , with the vacuum running the frame with its softened plastic is pressed firmly down over the box so as to seal around the edges thus allowing the vacuum to do the rest . Obviously with working temperatures in the order of 180 deg C plus , gloves must be worn . Welding gloves are ideal .
I hope this has been of some interest and if you would like to know more about the matter or you require help you can contact me at borlands @ vodafone . co . nz . Maybe it could go up in “ Hints and Tips ” on the website .
Pic 6 . is the trial fit in place on the model .