Vintage SIG Committee
The Vintage SIG Committee list in the February 2013 MFW omitted John Selby ( Wellington ) from the list our apologies for this error . The Committee is Wayne Cartwright ( Chairman ), Graham Main ( Secretary ), Rex Bain ( Treasurer ), and Committee members Mark Venter , Allan Knox , Gary Burrows , Bernard Scott and John Selby .
Vintage Rules update
The MFNZ Vintage Flying Rules have been updated to January 2013 and are now on the MFNZ Website . Click on the Vintage header and the rules are noted on the top of the Vintage home page . E-mail copies of the rules may be obtained by e-mail from the Vintage SIG Secretary ( see page 2 of this MFW for address details )
Top-Ten Leader Boards 2013
The Leader Boards are off to a good start . For those unfamiliar with this development , the purpose of the Leader Boards is to encourage enjoyable competition flying – complementing the Nationals , NDC and regional contests .
For 2013 , there is a Leader Board for each of nine Vintage RC classes ( Precision , IC Duration , E Duration , 1 / 2A Texaco , 1 / 2A Scale Texaco , A Texaco , 1 / 2E Texaco , E Texaco , and E Rubber Texaco ), RC Classical IC Duration , RC Tomboy IC and Electric , and four Vintage FF classes ( Precision , Power , Rubber , Glider , and Catapult Glider ) – sixteen Leader Boards in total .
The Leader Boards are updated at the end of each month and a report is sent to all MFNZ members who have requested that they be on the Vintage SIG email list . The Leader Boards are also published in AVANZ News .
Any MFNZ member may submit scores for the Leader Boards . The results from the Nationals and other contests directed by the Vintage SIG are posted automatically . Scores from NDC flying are eligible but must be submitted separately . Scores may also be submitted from any other flying conducted according to the published SIG rules . Each contestant may submit as many scores as desired through the year provided that each one exceeds the previous best score submitted by that contestant and also provided that the score is high enough to enter the Board . Submit scores to Wayne Cartwright at wcartwright @ vodafone . co . nz using the instruction published in the February AVANZ News - also available directly by emailing Wayne .
Obtain an emailed report of the current Leader Boards , at any t i m e t h r o u g h t h e y e a r , f r o m G r a h a m M a i n a t gramain @ xtra . co . nz
RC Classical Duration at the Next Nationals ( 2014 )
The new RC Classical Duration classes – both IC and Electric – will be flown at the next Nationals . Interest in flying these classes is building up , so inclusion of them at the Nationals is well justified . The announcement is being made early , so that people who have had these classes in mind will have plenty of building time ahead . The models are all FF power duration designs from the 1951 – 1975 period , with RC on rudder , elevator and motor . Some designs are scaled up , but it is expected that as the class develops , old FF models at present in storage will be resurrected with lightweight RC .
Tomboy Postal Event
A Tomboy Postal event is being for the 36 inch version of Vic Smeed ’ s Tomboy using either IC or electric power . The rules and entry form has been posted to the Vintage pages on the MFNZ website . The contact for this event is Allen Teal , 18 C a m e r o n S t r e e t , P a p a k u r a 2 11 0 o r e m a i l t o : allen @ tealcare . org
Feedback and Comment
This is always very welcome . Please send your comments to either Wayne Cartwright at waynecartwright @ wave . co . nz or Graham Main at gramain @ xtra . co . nz .
Vintage Plans Service
Mark Venter is the AVANZ plans coordinator . In the September 2011 issue of MFW a full description of the news Plans library system was given and we refer you to the Vintage column for that month for details . The plans Library can be seen at http :// www . co-op-plans . com /
If in doubt about what to do Mark ’ s contact details are : 30 Manor Place , Bryndwr , Christchurch – 8053 Phone 03 351 6193 . Email avanz . plans @ xtra . co . nz Please always include your phone number and postal codes with any plans requests sent by mail .
Vintage Newsletter
A Vintage Newsletter ( AVANZ News ) is available by E-mail FREE to all MFNZ members by contacting the Vintage SIG Secretary . This Newsletter comes out every 2 months with details of Vintage models , events and ideas .
Vintage E-mail list
The Vintage SIG has an e-mail list that contacts those MFNZ interested in Vintage model flying , keeping them up to date with Vintage model affairs if you wish to be added to this list please contact the Vintage SIG Secretary by e-mail at gramain @ xtra . co . nz
Gareth Newton Memorial Vintage Meet 9th and 10th February 2013
Thanks to the Levin Club for the use of their field a good number of fliers attended the 2013 Gareth Newton Memorial meeting . Overall there were 16 individuals competing in 12 events with 44 entries over the 2 days . The weather was good , breezy at times , but did not affect the fliers allowing many to fly multiple events . The GN meet is almost unique in that both FF