Ray Homan
There are people in aeromodelling around NZ who are stalwarts of their clubs – the “ go-to guys ” who willingly help and readily take on the jobs that help make the model flying experience a happy one for others . In fact , without them , the club wouldn ’ t be the same . One such person is Ray Homan of the Christchurch Radio Fliers Club . This year he retires from the club committee after 32 years of service .
Ray joined CRFC in 1981 after having been invited to come out to the Hudson Road site near Lake Ellesmere by Murray Fowler . He was struck by the welcome and the friendliness of the members , so he stayed . He went to the next club AGM and found himself elected on to the committee . In 1983 he became club captain with the responsibility of running monthly competitions , maintaining the flying field , mowing the strip and overseeing safety . Another interesting responsibility was to deliver the Christmas bottle of whisky to the landlord , Oakley Osborne . There was no charge for flying at the field once a week , but Oakley certainly appreciated the whisky and was always asking after the club .
A highlight of the year was the Queens Birthday weekend in Hokitika , which Ray helped organise . The club members would take their wives and families , book out the Tudor Motels and fly at the Hokitika airport courtesy of Mike Hutchinson and the local club .
This weekend became known as the ‘ Brian Frew Memorial ’ when the club president died . Ray took over as President when Brian became ill , and he remained in the job for over five years . After that he remained on the committee to become the editor of the club newsletter . In those days he wrote the copy for the newsletter on his work computer or by hand . When Al MacMartin took over the production some time later , Ray would personally deliver notes to Al ’ s wife , Viv , who typed it up . Ray was juggling time at home and work to spend on club matters and he says he is very lucky to have an understanding wife , Ginny .
Ray ’ s job in those days was a Detective Sergeant with the Police . With the stresses and strains of this , plus bringing up a family , he still managed to find time for modeling and the club . “ The club and committee duties were a great and pleasant release from 40-plus hours on the job chasing baddies ,” he says . “ I would go so far as to say RC building and flying saved me from going bonkers and drinking far too much alcohol .”
In recent times Ray has been the club treasurer and working with Excel spreadsheets and computers he finds easier to handle than what it must have been like for treasurers years ago . In typical modest fashion , Ray acknowledges that it was largely Ross Drummond who helped him get to grips with the job .
Ray has retired from the Police , but he still works part time for NZ Customs . After 32 years of working on the committee and as President , Editor , Captain , Treasurer , food organizer , mower , support person etc ., Ray hopes to find some more time to fly . He says that his favourite model was a large Piper Cub with a 60 size 2 stroke glow motor , but he also likes building and flying sports and aerobatic models , such as a Kavalier , Aeronaught , Extras and even float planes which are a lot of fun at the Lake Forsyth fly-in run by the club and part organized by ( you guessed it ), Ray !