The screen shot at left shows ; In the top box - All the flights in memory In the large Box - Details of the selected flight . Over this can be selected to be viewed data for vario , speed , voltage , temperature and GPS altitude , each quite interesting except the GPS altitude data which was rather inaccurate .
Within the program is easy to determine climb and sink rates by clicking and dragging . This could be very useful for trying different combinations of model setup .
The GPS data can be exported to google earth . This proved very interesting . Max distance away only being 5-600M on several flights - it seemed much further . Altitude is colour coded which makes for interesting viewing in the 3D mode of google earth .
Pros ; Light weight , easy install of unit and software , very accurate . GPS Data very interesting , Motor can be restarted - to save model Cons ; A couple of times the models motor stopped prematurely - I don ' t know if that was the unit or ESC low voltage cut off . Motor can be restarted - knowing this fliers might take on more risk .