More and more people are learning to fly using the “ foamy pusher ” style planes . I think that Multiplex started the trend with the Easy Star which has since been followed by the Bixler in various guises and the AXN and now Graupner are releasing the Venture . I ’ m sure there are others but the fundamentals are the same : A forgiving foamy plane of around 130cm span and a pusher configuration to save prop and motor damage . They are great for learning on and good fun for chucking around on both thermally days and when the wind blows strongly . However , having got to a good level of skill , is it possible to take a Wings badge and progress to bigger and better things ? They will do a sliding takeoff on the belly on wet grass but it isn ’ t a very controlled situation for the inexperienced . The Wings badge is really written around doing a rolling take-off with a wheeled undercarriage , so does that mean our beginner needs another plane in order to take a Wings badge ? Well , a bit of workshop fettling can come up with a solution in very little time and here are three different answers .
1 . You can fit a single wheel into your plane . Carve out a small flat area the length of you wheel and about 15mm wide on each side of the wheel opening . Glue a couple of bits of 3mm ply either side and mount the wheel using a short axle and a couple of saddle clamps . If you want to be flash , you can make a mudguard for the inside of the fuselage by cutting a spray can top in half then gluing it together around the circumference and putting it inside to prevent dirt getting in .
2 . You can make up a wire undercarriage which attaches to the plane with a couple of rubber bands . We find that having the wheels fairly well forward gives the best results . If you have the wheels in a conventional position under the wings , the plane lurches forward onto it ’ s nose when you power up .
3 . You can make a dolly . This type of dolly remains on the ground when the plane takes off . It needs to hold the plane fairly securely on the ground but allow the plane to lift out once it starts to fly . The plane needs to be held so that the pilot can steer using the rudder , so some kind of cradle is required at the back of the wing . Not too tight or the plane will try to take off carrying the dolly , which doesn ’ t make it fly better . Don ’ t be afraid of the “ d ” word , if it was good enough for the ME163 Rocket powered fighter , it ’ ll do the job for us .