Mezcal Market anticipated to witness a stellar rise in terms of deman Mezcal Market | Page 4
Mezcal Market
Over the next five years, sales of Mezcal bottles in the global market will resemble growth identical to
their consumption during colonial times where the distilled alcoholic beverage was consumed in great
quantities by indigenous people of the Latin American region. Introduced by the Spaniards and made
through fermentation of agave juice, Mezcal continues to gain widespread popularity for being a beer-like
beverage that tastes like Tequila.
A new market study developed by Future Market Insights anticipates that by the end of 2022, over US$
840 Mn worth of Mezcal will be consumed across the globe. On account of several factors fuelling the
presence of Mezcal in various drinking cultures, the global Mezcal market is poised to expand vigorously
at a CAGR of 17.8% during the forecast period, 2017-2022. The report anticipates that increasing demand
for beverages that improve digestion and blood sugar regulation, coupled with growing preference
towards natural and gluten-free products, will drive the growth in global demand for Mezcal in the
immediate future.
Mezcal has emerged as a spirit of choice among bibulous consumers in several regions of the world.
Many consider it as a healthy alternative to hard liquors such as Tequila. The overall positive attitudes of
consumers towards Mezcal are effectively boosting their sales in the turbulent and highly-competitive
landscapes of alcoholic beverage markets.
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