MetroVan Independent News May 2015 | Page 22

22 May 2015 Fitness Photo by MDSnapShots Zumba fitness instructor Abi Salas. Zumba fitness presents Abi Salas Zumba Fitness presents one of the coolest certified Zumba fitness instructors who is passionate with her desire to get whole communities to adopt a fit and healthy lifestyle. Zumba fitness is a global lifestyle brand that fuses fitness and entertainment into an exhilarating dance sensation. Incorporating easy choreography, the exercise helps one burn 850 to 1,000 calories an hour. The whole routine has the feel of a fun party -- blending upbeat world rhythms with moves that create total body celebration. Cariss Abigail Salas, more popularly known as Abi, finished a degree in physiotherapy sometime in 2009. Her love of teaching on the prevention, promotion of health and wellness, has evolved into teaching Zumba fitness classes, coordinating and organizing events in community, focusing on nutrition, music, dance, group exercises and coaching. Her passion is to lead, to teach, to motivate, to inspire and to change lives. She believes it`s a serious job. She is likewise engaged to the idea that a healthy community will produce more productive, wealthier, and more successful people. Abi took her Zumba fitness certification simply to get back in shape after having her first child. He was hooked. She put her talent, knowledge, and background to good use by organizing a variety of Zumba Fitness events. Abi specializes on Zumba Fitness basics for men and women of all ages, Zumba Gold for senior citizen & Zumba Kids for young people with age range from three years to 12 years old. Today, she’s very active in British Columbia motivating & inspiring people of all ages to prioritize their health, value fitness and provide recreational activity that empowers people. Her latest project will be the biggest Zumba fitness event this summer. She is also an active co-partner & entrepreneur at Diamond Fit Club, a fitness studio. Abi shares her fitness thoughts on her Facebook page Get Fit Daily with Abi. The page got 18,500 likes. Abi likes people and feel comfortable working with them. She firmly believes that life matters and that we need to value it in order to be an asset to the community. She teaches and motivates people to dance through fitness routines that will make them feel better about themselves. For more information about her classes and bookings, call 778-893-7098.