Cari E. Guittard
Global Management Professor
Business experience: Extensive experience
in corporate diplomacy, strategic
communications, cybersecurity, and
geopolitical strategy for multinationals as well
as within the U.S. Department of State
Honors & awards: Women’s Leadership Hall
of Heroes Award 2013 from MBA International
Classes include: International Negotiations &
Strategic Influence, Corporate Diplomacy,
Geopolitical Risk, Women’s Leadership &
Gender Intelligence
What’s your teaching style?
My style is very non-traditional, personal,
and purposeful. I’m committed to bringing the
real world into the classroom through practical
insights and exercises with an emphasis on
experiential learning and leadership and
strategic influence elements in every class.
I keep students on their toes so they’re
constantly engaged, surprised, and genuinely
enjoying learning.
That, and chocolate. I’m married to a chocolate
maker, so always have some with me. It’s a
powerful engagement tool.
Why is it important for business students
to receive a global education?
I’ve worked in 80+ countries and it’s completely
shaped the person and professional I am today.
A global education and building social capital
are imperative to be competitive and relevant in
the marketplace. People come together at Hult
and are engaged, informed, and empowered
to change the world.
“I love the entrepreneurial
spirit on campus and
being surrounded by bold,
curious, and engaged
global citizens who are
impassioned to change
the world.”
Qualifications: MA, Public Administration &
Public Affairs, University of Texas at Dallas