KOBELCO FOCUSES ON THE MINING INDUSTRY IN INDIA B eing a leading global manufacturer of hyraulic excavators, Kobelco offers wide choice - from the very small ( One ton ) to the very large ( 80 Ton ). Of-let, Kobelco has focused on the mining sector in many markets and applications worldwide. Kobelco has been developing optimal solution to fulfill the spares parts there customers expectations. Kobelcos in house R&D facility plays a major role in developing innovative technologies and solution to add value to the users. In the Indian context, Kobelco practised continoused development based on feiled feedbacks and when more and more machines were deployed at tougher sights, the resultant series of next generation machines that emerged found greater acceptance and preference. two of the models in the 35-38 segment, the SK380 XDLC, as well as the 50 Ton segment, the Sk520 XDLC have already been coustomised to operate in tough and demanding conditions and give and higher productivity and reliability. They can be programmed to operate as per customer preferences in terms of greater fuel ecomony and higher output, or a balance of thereof. The current generation 10 series has much higher machine durability not only in terms of structural strength but also the capability to operate in tough & dusty site conditions which much improve filtration system which ensure longer service life of PAGE 06 I METROBERRY I JULY 2019 major components like engine, the main hydraulic pump , etc.. filter clogging alerts and alarms help in ensuring timely change of filters to prevent to damage these components. The largest excavator in Kobleco stable, the purely mining workhorse, the 80+ Ton SK850 LC operates very efficiently in mining application and is deployed in various locations across the globe. it is a tough and highly productive machine with a low carbon foot print. Recent changes in the choice of large dumpers at mining site has brought about a scaling up of the size of excavators requied and the Sk850 LC fits in very well. The future looks quite promising for Kobleco in the mining sector The Year 2018 saw Kobelco India adopt mining as a key focused area. for the first time, they displayed there SK380 XDLC as well as the SK 520 XDLC excavators at IMME 2018 at Kolkata. The mining segment players showed keen interest in Kobelco as the provider of solutions in the mining domain. This was followed by BC India, 2018 at Gurugam, Where the response was termendous. there has been spurt in the demand for this models in the new year. The is no doubt in mining segment will see a lot more of Kobelco. Another major contributing factor for Kobelco’s market acceptance is the quality of there after sales support, which has been appreciated highly.